Zanu-PF tells off critics


Zanu-PF director for information, Farai Marapira, has come out in support of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s new Cabinet, saying that it has the ability to deliver in all areas and that the President was well-informed before making the appointments.


This comes in response to criticism from the opposition party, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

“It is very unfortunate that we continue to be living in a time where the opposition in its dinasour spirit of extinction still believe they can ganer relevance from criticizing ZanuPF. The Cabinet of Zanu – PF is very wonderful and as the ruling party we have full confidence, it has been chosen on meritocracy by the President and it will deliver the mandate just like the first Cabinet,” Marapira said.

He added:” Allow me to remind you that the opposition said the same thing in 2018 but we have completed Gwayi Shangani, we completed Hwange Unit 7 and 8 and they continue to say the same rhetoric.”

The opposition should concentrate on the seats they won and work to deliver on that front, the youthful  information boss advised, rather than focusing on criticism.

“What the opposition need to realize is that they were not voted into Parliament and Council to critique Zanu-PF, they were voted in to deliver and their focus should be telling the people how they want improve service delivery in Harare and Bulawayo and speaking their plans in the next five years,” Marapira said.

“The opposition is busy trying to make itself a commentator when it is a fellow player in the rebuilding of this country. They need to realise their role. The opposition is not in the terrace to watch the game played, they are in the ground playing. I urge the populace of Zimbabwe to take the opposition to task because they have been voted in to fulfil a mandate by the voters which is for service delivery in towns. The opposition needs to lose its infatuation by our party,” added Marapira.

He reaffirmed the ruling party’s commitment to deliver and empower the people.

” Zanu – PF is infatuated with the people. We are there and desirous to deliver the needs of the people, our sole goal is to connect our people to a better tomorrow,” Marapira said.

Prince Dubeko Sibanda, a  CCC legislator from Binga North, criticized the composition  of the Cabinet.

“There is nothing that is inspiring in this Cabinet. Basically, it is not a Cabinet that is meant to give hope to Zimbabweans that tomorrow we might wake up and say we have a better country.

Yes some can talk about regional balance but to be honest with you, our problems in this country go beyond regional balance,” Sibanda said.

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