OK says promotion to propel local products



OK Zimbabwe Limited says its flagship promotion, OK Grand Challenge, will showcase local products.

Launching the US$1m OK Grand Challenge in Harare yesterday, group CEO Maxen Karombo said the promotion “will be delivering the best of what Zimbabwe produces”.

“Over 90% of our products are Zimbabwean products. We have given latitude for 5 brands per supplier and that is over 200 brands that are participating in this promotion,” he said.

Karombo said OK “owe our thanks to our supplier partners who have made this possible for our customers and, indeed, Zimbabwe at large”.

“We are a company that is 100% local. We serve 4m Zimbabweans every month. This is a truly Zimbabwean brand. This is your brand, your store. I hope that apart from being suppliers, you are also our customers and you will come and support us during this race,” he said.

Karombo said the consumer staples concern was making “happiness tangible”.

He told the suppliers the promotion was an “opportune for us to see our brands in action”.

“I hope that by participating in the OK Grand Challenge, we truly meet with your expectations, not just yours but more importantly to your consumers who are also our customers who come through the shops,” Karombo said.

Phil Mushosho, OK Zimbabwe group CFO said the promotion is the single biggest marketing investment every year.

“We are not just excited about the US$1m prizes that shoppers stand to win but even more excited about how through this promotion we are going to be able to stretch our shoppers dollar so that they can get more for their loved ones.

To our shoppers we are going to give you bigger savings. To our suppliers we are going to give you bigger volumes and sales,” Mushosho said.

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