Let’s make this festive season accident free

We’re approaching the holiday season, which is a joyful time of the year when families get together to celebrate.

Sadly, the season has been marked over the years by intense sadness as many come to terms with the loss of loved ones  killed in senseless traffic accidents.

My fellow Zimbabweans, as the holiday season draws near, we must take every safety precaution possible because traffic accidents claim thousands of lives.

We must exercise caution because traffic accidents are becoming more prevalent and tend to spike during the holiday season.

One explanation for this could be that there will be too much excitement due to the large number of travellers who are gathering for the festivities of the season, including friends and family.

Because there are so many holiday parties and get-togethers, drunk driving is a common occurrence and a major cause of death.

As the excitement builds, let’s try to bring some rationality to prevent tragedy.

The euphoria of the festive season causes many people to act irrationally, which leads to many people throwing caution to the wind.

There will be a mad rush among many, and confusion will be the norm.

Some drivers will be less able to make good decisions in this chaos because of the stress and anxiety of the season.

Let’s try to bring some sanity in as the excitement builds to prevent tragedy.

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