Drug dealers change tack amid police blitz


Drug dealers are now operating under the cover of tuck shops in most suburbs where they have turned their small shops into havens for selling dangerous substances as a measure to evade police, Business Times has learnt.

The drug abuse menace has become a crisis in Zimbabwe with the Cabinet setting up a committee to deal with the scourge.

Police have also intensified operations to effectively deal with the crisis that has led to mental health issues rise and suicides in some cases.

A snap survey in some of the city’s populous suburbs like Kuwadzana, Granary (Zvimba), Dzivarasekwa and Norton shows that known dealers are still operating under the guise of running small retail outlets.

Most youths who have become drug addicts are seen frequenting the “tuckshops” mainly for drugs packaged in different ways to run from police detection.

In Norton, residents were forced into action with over 150 of them signing a petition they handed over to the local authority to act on the mushrooming tuck shops that have become havens for drug peddling.

In the petition, the residents demanded action on illegal settlements and mushrooming tuckshops which they allege have led to a surge in drug and substance abuse.

The residents accused the police of not doing anything to win the fight.

“The unchecked proliferation of illegal activities has facilitated a surge in criminal elements within Galloway Park. Reports of heightened criminal activity, including harassment and muggings of pedestrians particularly women underscore the urgent need for decisive action to restore safety and security to our community,” the petition reads in part.

“The council should undertake immediate and comprehensive measures to address this crisis. Specifically, we urge the Norton Town Council to implement rigorous enforcement measures to dismantle illegal tuck shops, vendors, and shebeens operating within Galloway Park.”


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