Culture week roars into life


Zimbabwe joins the rest of the world in celebrating the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development through various  activities to be held during the Culture week, which will be launched  on Saturday in Gokwe, Midlands Province, Business Times can report.

The celebrations will run up to May 23,2021.

The annual event organised by the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ), will this year run under the theme ‘Resilience in safeguarding creative and cultural diversity’.

Confirming the development, NACZ Midlands Province manager, Kumbirai Kupfavira said it was an honour to be hosting such a high level event.

Last year, the celebrations were cancelled following the Covid-19 outbreak.

“As Midlands Province we will be hosting culture week celebrations launch which is set for Gokwe on May 15, 2021. We are honoured as a Province to be given yet another opportunity to host the prestigious event,” Kupfavira said.

She added: “Exhibitors will be drawn from across the country including the rich Tonga tribe in Gokwe North to the well-endowed Valemba of Mberengwa.”

The concept of Culture Week is drawn from UNESCO’s 2001 Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, which proclaimed May 21 as World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

One of the major highlights of the celebrations is the Piton International Film Festival Africa (PIFF-Africa) which will run virtually concurrently with the event .

PIFF-AFRICA seeks to promote African filmmakers based in Africa and is also a platform to discuss and showcase the blossom of African heritage.

Last year, Google celebrated Zimbabwe’s national instrument, the mbira, as part of Culture Week, with an interactive Google Doodle video that allows people around the world to play and learn about the instrument.

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