Cross border traders applaud government



Cross-border traders in Bulawayo have applauded the government for its decision to stop demanding negative Covid-19 PCR certificates at the country’s border posts, saying that will go a long way in helping them revive their businesses

It was mandatory for all Zimbabweans making a living buying goods from neighbouring countries  and re-selling them in Zimbabwe, to undergo a Covid-19 PCR test.

But, last week, Cabinet resolved to abandon the tests. The tests, according to the Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa, who spoke at a post Cabinet briefing, would however be required if the returning resident or visitor is not fully vaccinated

“The government’s decision will help us as informal and cross border traders to grow our businesses,” Ntando Khupe, a cross-border trader said.

She added: “We were failing to pay for basics such as rentals and buy food for children. Now we are hoping for the best since the PCR tests are no longer wanted.

“This will boost our businesses. Some of us were turning out to be cross border jumpers exposing ourselves to dangerous animals.”

Another cross-border trader Madade Ndlovu said the cost of PCR tests had gone beyond their reach.

“Most cross-border traders could not afford the PCR tests. We were now using omalayitshas (informal cross border couriers) who demanded a lot of money. We also lost so many products through them. It has been a very tough time for us. We want to applaud the government because the PCR tests are no longer required at the borders. We are  now hoping to revive our businesses,” she said.

Government last month re-opened all the country’s borders after announcing that Zimbabwe had successfully contained the fourth Covid-19 wave that was fuelled by the Omicron variant.

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