Zim reopens restaurants, schools



Zimbabwe has allowed restaurants and schools to reopen as it relaxes restrictions imposed to curb the spread of Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking at a post Cabinet briefing yesterday, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said restaurants will be allowed to re-open for “sit-in patrons who are fully vaccinated subject to the production of vaccination cards and strict adherence to Covid-19 protocols”.

She said schools will re-open on August 30, 2021 for examination classes, and on September 6, 2021 for non-examination classes.

“Regarding Primary and Secondary Education, the collaboration between the Ministries of Primary and Secondary Education, and Health and Child Care has buttressed the sector’s Covid-19 prevention and management systems.

“The two Ministries met with provincial teams to evaluate progress in the implementation of the Joint Operational Plan of the Standard Guidelines for the Coordinated Prevention and Management of Covid-19 at Learning Institutions. The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education also met with teacher organisations and deliberated on the safe re-opening of schools, among other issues,” Mutsvangwa said.

She said the inter-city and intra-city transportation for learners will be allowed during schools re-opening periods, subject to close monitoring by law enforcement agencies.

Mutsvangwa said the nation must continue adhering to World Health Organisation protocols and National Guidelines in order to contain the third wave and thwart the possibility of a fourth one, as the pandemic is still with us.

On vaccine procurement and roll-out, as of August 24, 2021, a total of 2 382 359 people had received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine and 1 506 445 their second dose across the country.

“Given the current vaccination statistics, the Cabinet is confident that herd immunity will be achieved by December 2021,” she said, adding that Zimbabwe will donate 20,000 vaccine doses to Namibia in the spirit of “regional cooperation and solidarity”.



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