Remove sanctions on Zimbabwe

In light of the fact that the punitive measures are aggravating the suffering of an entire people during these dire times, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration spearheaded yesterday’s push for the US, the UK, and the EU to lift all sanctions against Zimbabwe.

The land reform program, which was started by the government’s decision to take land from minority white farmers and give it to landless Zimbabweans, is what led to the sanctions, which started in the 2000 fiscal year.

According to Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, the restrictions are exacerbating Zimbabwe’s existential economic problems, as the nation has already lost over $150bn  due to blocked trade opportunities, frozen assets, and restricted donor support brought on by sanctions imposed by the US and her allies.

He called the penalties “heinous.”

October 25 has been set aside as the SADC anti-sanctions day where countries in the region have expressed concern over the continued sanctions that authorities say have been choking the country.

Zimbabwe has been hard hit by the sanctions described by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on negative impacts Alena Douhan, as causing “untold suffering” to the people.

In 2021, the Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights, visited the country at the invitation of the government where she met several stakeholders that included political actors, banks among others.

She confirmed the impact of sanctions on Zimbabwe and called for their removal.


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