Farmers miss target

Farmers have so far planted crops on 2.3m hectares (ha) , falling short of the 3.1m ha target, Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Minister Anxious Masuka has said.
The cause for the delay in planting was El Nino’s negative effects, which devastated the initial part of the summer agricultural season.
“(About) 2.3m ha of crop have been planted so far, against the targeted 3.1m ha. The heavy rains (recently) experienced will allow a good harvest for most farmers, despite the late planting which was caused by the El Nino induced drought. Congratulations to farmers across the country for achieving a meaningful planting season,” Dr Masuka said.
He encouraged farmers to focus on increased yield through best agronomic practices where they are encouraged to exercise maximum weed control, practice split fertiliser application, and watch out for fall army worm, African armyworm and quelea birds.
“Scout fields two to three days for fall armyworm and make a decision to spray with appropriately registered pesticide. Scout and spray in the morning or late evening,” Dr Masuka said.
Dr. Shadreck Makombe, president of the Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union, told Business Times that, considering the recent widespread rainy weather, the farming season is gradually becoming an average one.
“Although we delayed planting because we did not receive rain on time, this means we are also going to have a reduced harvest, but it will be meaningful.
“The country will now get a reasonable harvest as opposed to a calamitous one as the rains have improved the landscape of this summer cropping season,” Dr Makombe said.