Embracing strategy diversity



In today’s globalised world, businesses are becoming increasingly diverse, with employees hailing from various cultures, educational backgrounds, and generations.

However, managing diversity in the workplace requires thoughtful strategies to ensure an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Diversity refers to the visible differences that we see at first glance: gender, age, race, or physical disability.

But there are many differences that cannot be seen: personality, culture, experiences, beliefs, invisible disabilities, sexual orientation, identity, and ethnicity.

Diversity in the workplace means that a company employs a wide range of individuals with different characteristics.

By nurturing a more accepting, diverse culture, organisations will experience a substantial positive effect on individuals and a stronger bond within teams.

Cultural diversity brings together individuals with different values, beliefs, and communication styles.

Cultural diversity is related to each person’s ethnicity and it’s usually the set of norms we get from the society we were raised in or our family’s values.

To manage cultural diversity effectively, organisations should foster an inclusive culture that values and celebrates differences.

This can be achieved through cultural competency training, promoting open dialogue, and establishing policies against discrimination.

Encouraging cross-cultural collaboration, mentorship programmes, and affinity groups can also enhance cultural understanding and appreciation among employees.

Educational diversity encompasses individuals with varying academic backgrounds, degrees, and areas of expertise.

To leverage educational diversity, organisations should emphasize skill-based hiring and recognise the value of diverse perspectives.

Encouraging continuous learning opportunities, such as workshops and seminars, can foster professional growth and knowledge sharing.


Moreover, creating a supportive environment where employees can exchange ideas and learn from one another is essential for managing educational diversity effectively.

Generational diversity refers to the presence of multiple generations, such as Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z, in the workplace.

Each generation brings unique strengths, work styles, and preferences. Organisations can manage generational diversity by implementing flexible work arrangements that accommodate different needs and preferences. Encouraging cross-generational mentorship programmes can facilitate knowledge transfer and bridge generational gaps.

Moreover, recognising and appreciating the contributions of each generation can foster a sense of belonging and mutual respect among employees.

Managing diversity in the workplace is a complex but essential task.

By embracing the diversity of cultures, educational backgrounds, and generations, organisations can create an inclusive and dynamic work environment that drives innovation and success.

Research has shown that increasing diversity in the workplace enhances creativity and innovation.

Teams that perceive the same thing in different ways are more likely to get a wider range of perspectives and an infusion of fresh ideas, improving the productivity of the workforce.

Key strategies include promoting cultural competency, establishing policies against discrimination, encouraging continuous learning, and facilitating cross-generational collaboration.

Regular policy review is important to ensure they align with legal requirements and best practices. By implementing these practices, businesses can unlock the full potential of their diverse workforce, leading to improved employee satisfaction, increased creativity, and enhanced productivity.

Ultimately, an inclusive workplace that values and respects differences will pave the way for long-term success in today’s diverse society.


Chiedza Kadare is an OD Practitioner. You can get in touch with her on WhatsApp/call +263 77 283 0986 or Email chiedza.kadare@gmail.com


Paul Nyausaru is an OD Practitioner and leadership coach. For all your OD interventions and leadership development training you can get in touch with him on WhatsApp/call +263774062756 or Email pnyausaru@gmail.com


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