Concern over lack of public toilets at Gaza township



Residents of Gaza Township in Chipinge say the absence of public toilets  at a busy shopping centre, is posing serious  health concerns, Business Times can report.

They said the situation was now dire as they woke up everyday with their gardens, roads and the market place flooded with human waste  from either from passengers or drunkards due to the absence of public toilets.

“We have noted with serious concern the absence of ablution facilities at Chinheya Shopping centre in Gaza Township despite the fact that it is currently the major rank for long distance buses in Chipinge. The recent increase in the number of vendors selling food and other wares to passengers and bus crew alike has seriously exposed residents to water borne diseases,” said Amato Rungani, a Gaza resident.

He added: “…we are appealing to Council to consider the construction of a public toilet at the shopping centre.”

Another resident, Kissimore Masodzi said: “Council should be considerate and at least respect the Matione Primary School. Children have the right to study in a clean and stable environment. But these  inappropriate activities are exposing pupils to different diseases.

“Chinheya bus terminus should at least have a toilet that will accommodate people who will be travelling and selling their products.

Just imagine someone from Harare on a night bus feeling the desire to relieve herself or himself, where would that person go to?

The responsible authority should have a look at this area of concern.”

Nelson Dibi, the vice chairman of Chipinge Business and Resident Trust said the council said it had set up “a proper place for a rank which is Gaza O”.

Contacted for a comment, acting Chipinge Town Secretary, James Mutemere, said there was no rank and market designated at the shopping centre.

“These people are acting illegally and should be forced to move from such premises.  We have tried to talk to the bus people and market people to vacate from that place and go to where the rank is, which is the town bus rank. As for now we are making them pay fine if caught,” Mutemere said.


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