Business Times breakfast meeting set for next month


Business Times will host a breakfast meeting in the capital Harare on June 6, 2024.

Father Fidelis Mukonori, a Roman Catholic cleric, will share his insights on matters pertaining to leadership, reconciliation, and mediation.

Father Mukonori has been a priest for more than 50 years.

He became famous in 2017 when he acted as a mediator  between the military generals  and former president of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe.

The event will bring together diplomats, leaders from across the divide and academics, among many others to discuss possible ways  to unite the people.

“On June 6 2024, we are having an Executive Breakfast with Father Fidelis Mukonori. This  unique event provides a unique platform for key stakeholders to discuss various issues and forge a shared vision for a prosperous Zimbabwe. By leveraging Father Mukonori’s experience, fostering collaboration among leaders, and promoting international cooperation, this event aims to translate discussion into concrete action for a brighter future,” Business Times’ Business Development Executive, Caroline Konje said.

She added: “We are happy to facilitate this intimate breakfast  interactive dialogue  with  Father Mukonori where  he will share his unique perspective on leadership and its role in national development.The  legendary clergyman will  also make thought-provoking keynote  speech where he will emphasize on diplomacy and reconciliation as cornerstones for a peaceful and prosperous future.”

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