Carbon project MoU promotes community welfare and sustainable development in Zim


 A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) recently signed by Blue Carbon LLC, a decarbonisation company based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Government of Zimbabwe  places community welfare and engagement  as well as mitigation activities as the main focus of the carbon project.

Environment Minister Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndhlovu and Blue Carbon Chief Executive Officer Josiane Sadaka signed the MoU to collaborate on the implementation of carbon projects and environmentally friendly initiatives in Zimbabwe.

The MoU is  meant to develop carbon projects under Articles 6.2 of the Paris Agreement.

In line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, Blue Carbon and the Government of Zimbabwe work together in this forward-thinking way to guarantee a never-ending stream of ecological  and communal benefits while mitigating  climate change.


The partnership’s future plans include a conservation agreement, which will obligate Blue Carbon to create nature-based solution projects in the agriculture, forestry, and other land use sector on roughly 7.5 million ha of Zimbabwean forest.


Identified project sites will undergo a rigorous due diligence process, ensuring the full eligibility of the project areas for conservation activities.


To ensure the utmost integrity of the intended carbon projects, Blue Carbon has integrated an inclusive community engagement strategy into the project design.

The voices and needs of communities will steer the trajectory of the carbon project initiatives.

Accordingly, Blue Carbon will abide by all relevant Zimbabwean community laws and kick off project planning with a comprehensive “Free Prior Informed Consent” process.

This process guarantees that the project’s trajectory is firmly guided by the collective decisions of the communities and ensures that project activities will proceed only after the communities provide the consents.

Blue Carbon’s community engagement strategy will be further achieved through multilayered national stakeholder consultations.


This inclusive methodology aligns with the internationally recognized Warsaw framework on Social Safeguards Information Systems and propels the creation of a tangible and enduring impact in Zimbabwe.


Another hallmark of the project design is the formulation of an all-encompassing Livelihood Sustainability Plan that emphasizes the economic and social prosperity of Zimbabwean communities nestled within the project areas.


This entails a multi-pronged approach that ensures the delivery of economic and social growth opportunities along with ecological conservation and emissions mitigation.


Within this multi-pronged approach, firstly, the project will provide the communities with alternative livelihoods through introducing sustainable development practices such as climate smart agriculture and clean cookstoves to augment the conservation activities.


Secondly, the partnership will catalyze social and economic growth as a part of the project implementation process itself.


Blue Carbon aims to nurture the creation of job opportunities by prioritizing Zimbabwean nationals for employment at all levels of the project. Furthermore, it will encompass comprehensive training programs and capacity building sessions with the purpose of empowering the local workforce and enabling active participation in carbon projects.


Thirdly, Blue Carbon envisages the development of Community Welfare Programs in Zimbabwe, deploying funds garnered from carbon credits to enhance living standards.


These funds will be channeled into critical sectors such as healthcare, education, and capacity building as well as investment projects in renewable energy and biochar.

Recognizing the importance of gender equality in achieving sustainable development, the projects will also place a strong emphasis on championing gender inclusivity across all facets of implementation.


Lastly, through a revenue-sharing model, to be agreed upon under the project structure, part of the funds will be redirected back to communities from carbon credit revenues. This guarantees that the communities directly affected by the initiatives will actively partake in their success, emphasizing their key role in the process.


This comprehensive community approach is a testament to Blue Carbon and the Government of Zimbabwe’s dedication to fostering genuine, meaningful, and sustainable change within the intended carbon credit projects.

By merging carbon emission mitigation with sustainable development, this partnership forges a pathway for achieving a truly sustainable future and effectively meeting the targets of the Paris Agreement.

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