Technology critical in fight against corruption


Finance minister, Mthuli Ncube, yesterday said the use of digital tools has become a key ally in the fight against rampant corruption, red tape as well as creating an efficient system  for the country’s tax collector.

Speaking at the commemorations of the International Customs Day event held in Bulawayo yesterday, Ncube said the use of technology by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) enables swift, impartial and clinical decisions that will protect both the fiscus and the integrity of systems.

Technology  help improve transparency and foster accountability.

“A significant positive impact from the use of automated systems is the removal of bureaucracy and human discretion, and hence the removal of fertile ground for rent seeking activities and corruption, a scourge that not only ZIMRA but the entire nation is battling,” Ncube said.

He said ZIMRA should continue its technological  innovation drive towards digital transformation and to invest resources wisely in the creation of digital tools for the effective facilitation of trade and travel.

Ncube said the government has a serious view of its role on the global arena with respect to customs processes, globe trade and required levels of efficiency, effectiveness and security along the global supply chain.

Speaking at the same event, ZIMRA board vice chairperson, Josephine Matambo said  ZIMRA has adopted innovations to create digital solutions and services for the convenience of all its stakeholders, not only to address the restrictions induced by Covid-19, but also as a significant step towards modernisation and best practice.

“It is worth noticing that ZIMRA is one of the country’s most accessorised state enterprises with highly developed computer systems, gadgetry and technological infrastructure at its disposal.

This speaks volumes of the orgnisation’s desire over the years to achieve efficient systems for effective discharge of its mandate,” Matambo said.

She said scaling up technological development will continue this year and beyond.

Matambo said the move would improve revenue inflows, increase compliance levels across all tax heads at the same time reducing opportunities for fraudulent and integrity challenges within the system.

She said ZIMRA  will continue to work tirelessly in fighting corruption that haunts both the public and private sectors in most economies.

Matambo said ZIMRA  has created synergies with other law enforcement agencies with facilities that enable responsible citizens to report any issues that come to their notice involving tax evasion, corruption and collusion.




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