Security on high alert

…as panicky govt warns warmongers


Government is in a panic mode amid fears some political actors are collaborating with civic society organisations and other elements to mount a series of protests ahead of the SADC Summit in August.

Amid the impending fears, the government has warned that the security establishment stands ready to thwart any attempt to cause mayhem and destabilise the country.

Addressing a media conference in Harare Friday, acting Home Affairs Minister Dr Jenfan Muswere said the government has observed “attempts to instigate anarchy and despondency by some criminal and opportunistic elements in the opposition, some politicians and some civil society organisations (CSOs).”

“This is in line with their well-documented modus operandi to seek attention and raise funding to try to resurrect their political careers through subverting the will of the people,” Muswere said.

“Therefore, as government we are warning perpetrators of these serial choreographed theatrics who are involved in subversive activities aimed at undermining the rule of law that their days are numbered and that their lawless plans will never see the light of day,” the Information Minister warned.

“Law enforcement agencies will not hesitate to apprehend all those who undermine the justice delivery system through causing chaos and mayhem. Finally, the government is assuring members of the public that the security forces have adequate capacity to maintain law and order in terms of the constitutional mandate.”

The warning comes after President Emmerson Mnangagwa used the Wednesday and Thursday Politburo and Central Committee meetings respectively to warn all attempting to cause mayhem in the country.

Mnangagwa said his government will not tolerate any “mischief” adding he will crush any attempt to destabilise the country.

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