Low cattle prices worry farmers



Cattle farmers in Masvingo Province have raised concern over the low prices of the animals in the local market, Business Times can report.

According to the chairman of Beef Producers Association Masvingo Chapter, Robert Makadho, the farmers are fetching less than US$2.50 a kg.

He said the abattoirs in the province were swindling them.

Makadho said the farmers were pushing for a price of about US$6.80 per kg.

“The issue of poor prices from our local abattoirs is of great concern,” Makadho told Business Times this week.

He added: “Right now everybody is aware that beef is very expensive. Yet ourselves as producers we are obliged to sell our cattle at US$1.50 a kg for economy grade while the supper grade is pegged at US$2.50.

“This is very clear that those companies are robbing. We once sat down in a bid to petition these companies but the great challenge that we have is that of lack of adequate resources to push our agenda.

“At one other time we flexed our muscles. We withdrew our cattle but due to socio-economic reasons and circumstances we couldn`t continue. This is a terrible scenario for us as producers.”

One of the prominent cattle farmers in the province Edmon Zvemavende said the government should intervene.

“Our major worry is that in Masvingo there is no competition as far as beef wholesalers are concerned. The number of wholesalers are just limited, hence the probable reason as to why these companies are doing what they please,” Zvemavende said.

Masvingo is one of the chief producing provinces with almost half of the total cattle population in the country.

Most of the cattle ranching practice is done in Chiredzi and Mwenezi districts.


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