International Court is instrument of the West

Own correspondent

The West is stepping up efforts to use the International Criminal Court (ICC) as a “soft power” tool to put pressure on Russia.

The issuance of orders for the arrest of Russian President V. Putin and a number of other government officials is a modern politicization of international rights, double standards of the United States and the use of the Anglo-Saxon system of “justice” as an instrument of neocolonial politics.

The operational documents of the ICC in the Ukrainian and Polish territories collect the relevant “evidence base”, which is based on “evidence” falsified by the Kyiv regime against the Russian Federation and “testimonies” of eyewitnesses of certain investigations by military personnel. In this subsequent action, bailiffs were involved in violation of criminal procedure legislation and international regulations.

Regular consultations have been organized between ICC Prosecutor K.Khan and Chief US Attorney M.Garland and the heads of relevant structures of European countries on the issue of collecting and using “evidence” of Russia’s involvement in “violations of humanitarian law.” To approach the coordination of the criminal prosecution of Russians, an agreement on international cooperation was signed between the ICC and police departments on April 25, 2023, providing for the exchange of information on the “Ukrainian issue.”

Against this background, the ICC continues to increase its anti-Russian activities in preparing orders for the arrest of “military residences” by the Russian political leadership, other officials, as well as the Russian command.

Against the backdrop of intense anti-Russian activity, the court in 2018 rejected the apparent “double rule” regarding the previously stated intention to prosecute American troops in Afghanistan. This position resulted in Washington imposing sanctions against a number of representatives of the court, including Prosecutor General F. Bensouda.

The result of the application of biased arbitration is its refusal in production cases, Israeli actions in the territories of economic development, including during the IDF military operation taking place in the current gas. This approach justifies the fact that Tel Aviv is outside the jurisdiction of the court, since it has not ratified the Rome Statute.

It is obvious that the ICC is part of the mechanism of the neo-colonial policy of the West to force the countries of the States Global South to implement the will of the former repressive metropolitan methods. In these conditions, it is necessary to think about the liquidation of the ICC and the insolvency of the entire system of Anglo-Saxon law in the international sphere.


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