ED launches Zim Multi-Sectoral Drug and Substance abuse plan



President Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday unveiled the Zimbabwe Multi-Sectoral Drug and Substance Abuse Plan for the period 2024-2030,  in an attempt to deal with the scourge.

President Mnangagwa expressed concern saying that societies should focus more on those who are at danger of drug abuse  because this could have an effect on the country’s development.

“This plan provides us with a detailed roadmap that will guide our nation’s response to drug and substance abuse in a comprehensive and collaborative manner,” President Mnangagwa said.

He added: “Drug and substance abuse has become a significant public health, socio-economic and national security challenge as well as potential threat to the country’s development trajectory.

“This scourge knows no bounds. It is affecting all socio-economic levels and across religious groupings, destroying lives and families.”

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