ANC election ‘loss’ jolts Zanu PF

…as ED warns war mongers



The dismal performance by the South African ruling party, African National Congress (ANC) which consequently lost its sole mandate to govern the neighbouring country forcing it into a coalition government with an unlikely partner, the white-dominated Democratic Alliance (DA) has jolted Zanu PF with President Emmerson Mnangagwa saying the just ended polls were a lesson for the party and other liberation movements on the continent.

Just like Zanu PF, the ANC is a liberation movement that led the fight against the apartheid regime leading into a new era in 1994.

Since then, the ANC was the sole governing party only entering into alliances with smaller parties as it enjoyed a healthy majority that ended when the party obtained at least 40% of the votes cast.

Currently, the ANC is embroiled in a fight with its coalition partner, the DA, over demands by the second largest party for Cabinet posts.

The DA is making huge demands including running of key ministries.

Addressing a Zanu PF politburo meeting yesterday in Harare, Mnangagwa said the South African election results was a wakeup call.

“Many lessons can be drawn from the aftermath of the South African elections and broader developments in the global South,” Mnangagwa said.

“In this context and that of the upcoming elections in our region, all wings of the party must do more to strengthen relations and exchanges within the grouping of former liberation movements of the Southern region,” he said.

Liberation movements have been losing grip in Africa with opposition players covering ground while others have snatched power including in neighbouring Zambia.

“The main idea is to defend our collective freedom, sovereignty and independence in the Southern region. Hence, our party has a bigger role to play.”

“Our party has been pleased to host the presidential candidate for Frelimo. He informed us that he is the upcoming candidate for Mozambique, and we support him. This visit is important to further enhance the strategic political, economic and social engagement and alliance in the region.”

“Zanu PF must never shy away from playing its part in the advancement of the revolutionary principles and vision in the region and the global world.”

“I am aware that certain unruly elements, in collaboration with our detractors, are causing disruptions. They are working to destroy the security and peace within our country. My government will not tolerate that — the law will take its course.”


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